Tag Archives: Manchester

Class-Based Industrial Manchester

Manchester England, 1850

Manchester England, 1850

Manchester could be considered a class-based society for the fact that the Upper Bourgeoisie enjoyed great separation from the lowest segments of society. The rich were on the outskirts, located in suburbs of garden villas and scenic vistas, whereas the working class lived in crowded “grimy” quarters.  Also, by mode of travel; the thoroughfares leading to the CBD were lined with Middle and Upper Bourgeoisie establishments, “claimed” in order to insulate the bourgeoisie traveling between the periphery and CBD from the poor/working class.

The working class of Manchester lived among abandoned and inhabited ruined buildings. It was not an orderly or planned arrangement. The public space consisted of narrow alleys and small nooks among the buildings.  Most dwellings had ill-fitting doors and windows, and most lacked a wooden or stone floor. There was trash everywhere from lack of collection.  In some cases, homes were little more than shacks or cattle sheds. And the smell…

Great Resource/Image: http://www.grimshaworigin.org/ManchesterIndustrialCity.htm